
My name is Flo

Exciting news to share! (12/3/2024)

In the future, Flo will join us at times during sessions in the office.
Flo is an Australian Cobberdog and they are known for their gentle temperament and high empathetic skills, which makes them perfect assistance and therapy dogs.

Being in contact and around animals has a positive effect on our bodies and nervous system. Animals can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress and tension. Being around them can also lower our heart rate, blood pressure and can reduce stress hormones. Animals can help you to regulate anxiety and emotional arousal. It is shown that spending time with animals can reduce feelings of depression and improve mood. 

Flo will be in the office to provide emotional support, a cuddle or just a cute face to look at whenever you might need it.

Fun fact: Cobberdogs are anti allergenic, do not shed and spread little to no odour.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Horse therapy & coaching sessions surrounded by Australia’s peaceful nature

Have you ever wondered what a coaching session with a horse as co-therapist can look like,
how it can feel, what they can show you or what you might learn?

Being around horses on and off throughout my life, they have brought me so many things…
The joy of their kindness, the feeling of pure freedom when spending time with them, losing time and feeling
100% present when being around them.

Feeling the relaxation, calmness and being grounded, even hours after leaving them.
The lessons that were gently shared and shown through mirroring so I could reflect,
learn and grow in a safe, non-judgemental environment and the patience they have shown during that process.

Horses are extremely emotional sensitive, attuned animals and can help us by sharing powerful information
by mirroring our feelings, insecurities, strengths, …
They do this in a gentle, non judgemental manner, that creates the space for you to connect, reflect, explore,
feel and understand what is presented.
In this emotionally safe environment, when we feel calm, relaxed and our nervous system is at peace,
a space is been created to gain more insight… even to a point we cannot always reach in a more clinical setting.
Let the horses, nature, other animals do the talking with their gentle and kind way of communication.

I am happy to be able to offer you a very special experience with a horse as a co-therapist
and feel honoured to have such a special colleague that can assist and support us in this journey. 

If you want to learn more and you would like to book in an equine assisted coaching therapy,
please feel free to send me an email.
The coaching sessions will take place in beautiful Sutton, NSW - around 20min from Canberra City.