My name is Flo
At times, Flo will join us during sessions in the office.
Flo is an Australian Cobberdog and they are known for their gentle temperament and high empathetic skills, which makes them perfect assistance and therapy dogs.
Being in contact and around animals has a positive effect on our bodies and nervous system. Animals can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress and tension. Being around them can also lower our heart rate, blood pressure and can reduce stress hormones. Animals can help you to regulate anxiety and emotional arousal. It is shown that spending time with animals can reduce feelings of depression and improve mood.
Flo will be in the office to provide emotional support, a cuddle or just a cute face to look at whenever you might need it.
Fun fact: Cobberdogs are anti allergenic, do not shed and spread little to no odour.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.