Cancellation Policy

Please note that appointments must be cancelled directly by calling us or you can email me at

When an appointment is cancelled within the time periods as listed below, a percentage of the scheduled fee will be charged to your credit card. A no-show is considered a late cancellation and the full fee will be charged.

If you cancel more than 2 business days (48hours) before your appointment time,
no fee will be charged.

Please note that cancellation fees cannot be claimed through Medicare or to insurance companies.
Therefore, you will be personally responsible for any cancellation fees incurred.

Notice period* (per 50-minute session):

(Less than 1 business day): 0-24 hours' notice or no show: Full fee = $280

(Less than 2 business days): 24-48 hours' notice: 75% of fee = $210

*Please note that the cancellation times is referring to business days Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.